Thanks to Linda Minton's generous deadline extension, I got three journal quilts into Quilt Art! I had actually forgotten about this opportunity, until Linda posted her extension.
Journal quilts are a great chance to work small and quick! For someone like me, it is exactly the change that I need. I tend to work large and keep adding more and more detail to my work. My projects go on and on!
About four years ago, I posted to the quiltart list, my thoughts for, " Fast Friday." I was thinking out-loud and said that I needed to challenge myself, like the designers on Project Runway. I needed to sketch an idea, pick fabrics and make it work! Another list member jumped on the idea and proposed starting a Yahoo group and the rest is history. I didn't need more time on the computer........I needed more creative action!
Years ago, I used to attend lots of business seminars. I would sit down front with my friend Patti and take notes, but beside the notes, I'd sketch what the women speakers were wearing. Patti used to glance at my notes and say, "You're doing it again!" My journal quilts are, "Project Funway." That's because they were just plain fun to create. If they make it to the online show, I post pictures after they have been put up on the website. Happy sewing!