Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Project in Process

I am painting another quilt and realize that this is what I love to do! My friend Michele took a trip to Egypt recently, and as soon as I saw the picture of her on her camel ride, I knew I had to try to put that scene onto fabric. Some scenes just grab you, and this one grabbed me.

I love working on big projects. I can't wait to finish painting and start quilting!


  1. Very nice work! Keep us posted...can't wait to see it all stitched up!

  2. Judy,
    This is a FABULOUS start. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.
    What are you using as a back for the fabric while you are painting. Dosn't the paint run.
    GREAT start for the new year,

  3. Great start! Like Karen, I'm curious to see how you'll quilt it.

  4. I'd say you are 'red hot' can't wait to see it finished. I am curious as sto what type of paints you are using.

  5. That is excellent--a great scene! It'll make a fabulous quilt. It'll be fun to see how it's quilted.
    I, also, would like to know what paints you are using.

  6. Marvelous! But then, I like everything you've posted. I paint on fabric myself and you are always an inspiration to me.

  7. Thanks so much for all the encouragement! I am using Setacolor and Jacquard paints. I have two big foam insulation boards that I pin my fabric to and use as my easel.
